Stage panels – panelling your mobile or stationary stage leg construction is what really makes a stage complete.
There are different designs and versions available:

  • Textile stage panels in smooth or pleated design
  • Stage panels made from weather-proof tarpaulin
  • Wooden panels
  • Panels made from sheet metal or perforated plate
  • Perspex panels with and without colour chart
  • Custom panels in accordance with customer requirements and on request


Wooden panels
Platform with wooden panels
Textile panels
Textile platform panels
Panels and perforated plate panels
Platform with sheet metal and perforated plate panels
Perspex panels
Platform with Perspex panels
Under-stage drawers
Under-stage drawers
Stair panels
Stair panels

Stage panels - TEXTILE

Stage panel - textile, smooth
Platform with textile panel

Stage panels for flexible use (For more see Textile furnishings)
Suitable for all stage platform types and structures and available in many colour tints.

(see Colours - Textile)
Further materials, such as Molton or velvet, and other designs or colours on request.

Attachment of panel using Velcro strip self-adhesive, attached to the profile groove and Velcro strip (sewn to the stage panel)
Attachment using Velcro strip
Self-adhesive hook-and-loop ribbon sewn to the inside of the platform groove
Velcro strip sewn to the stage panel
Technical Data

100% Trevira CS, low flammability as per DIN 4102 B1


smooth, pre-sewn, crimped pre-sewn

50%, 100% pleated, pre-sewn


weather-proof tarpaulin


Velcro and hook-and-loop fasteners (included in the scope of delivery)


description and height in accordance with stages structure and stage height


as per colour chart and customer choice


Stage panel 50% pleated
Stage panel 50% pleated
Platform throw 50% pleated
Platform throw 50% pleated
Smooth stage panel With Velcro strip for 2 stage heights on request
Smooth stage panel for 2 stage heights on request

Stage panels - WOOD

Stage panel, wood (standard)
Stage platform with wood panel

Solid stage panels ensure a compact look for mobile stages and provide additional safety.

Different options for attaching the panels make them
suitable for all stage platform types and structure designs.
Available in many other materials  or colours  on request.

Stage platform with smooth profile pre-manufactured with injection nuts (panel attachment)
Stage platform with injection nut
Alternatively attachment with clips. Existing components can also be fitted with stage panels this way.
Stage platform with clip
Technical Data

wood, Limba veneered,  16 mms thick


suitable for glazing, polished for painting on site


Perspex, sheet metal, perforated plate panel, screen-print plate


smooth profile: injection nuts or clips

open track: slot nut/screw,  slot-in bracket


for all stage heights


as per colour chart and customer choice


Stairs or stepped structures can also be panelled as required.
For more see Accessories - Stairs

Slot nut
Attachment using slot nut and flat-head screw for components with multifunctional track (open track)
Slot nut
Slot-in panel (open track)
Slot nut
Slot-in bracket
Slot-in panel
Fully panelled stairs and rostrums
Slot-in bracket
Panels for stairs and rostrums
Stepped structure
Stepped structure
Stage, custom design
Stage, custom design
Stepped structure with access stairs
Stepped structure with access stairs
Choir stage
Choir stage
Stage unit
Stage unit

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