Trenomat AIRSTAGE Stage platforms

Trenomat AIRSTAGE Stage platforms
Technical data
Dimensions:2.0 x 1.0 m, (special designs and  dimensions on request)
Load capacity:750 kg/m², 1500 kg/platform
Max. structure height:0.80 m/1.33 m above finished floor (Elefant/Gigant)
Height adjustment:0.20/0.40/0.60/0.80/1.0, 1.20, 1.33 m 
alternatively 16 2/3 pitch
from above through cover plate
Versions:Trenomat Airstage standard structure height up to 0.80 m
Trenomat Airstage Elefant structure height up to 1.33 m
Trenomat Airstage Gigant 3.0 x 1.0 m and structure height 1.33 m  above finished floor
Installation height:min. 180 – 200 mms (depending on covering)
Gap dimension:5 mms along all sides
Profile height:9.0 cm

Cover plate:wood core plywood plate 25 mm

weatherproof screen-print plate, carpet, parquet, laminate, LBP

chequer plate, Perspex etc.

Certificates:TÜV tested
Accessories:binders, stairs, banister, transport trolley
stage panels   (For more see Product sheet)

Standard size: 2 x 1 m
Stationary Y-scissor platform with
power-assisted height adjustment through the cover plate, made from aluminium throughout,
Max. structure height: 0.80 m above upper edge finished floor (UEFF)

with aluminium frames made from profile frames with integrated multifunction track  for the attachment of accessories such as banisters or panels.

Platform height is adjusted via insertable handles directly through the cover plate, reducing the force required to less than 25 kg/platform thanks to four gas-pressure springs to support lift. Complete with wood core plywood plate 25 mms thick for indoor use (with brown glazing) or multiplex plate, suitable to take  the floor covering matching the hall’s floor (For more see Surfaces).

The components are installed inside a pit only 18-20 cms high (depending on   the type of surface covering) below the hall level and are set exactly level. In a lowered state, the cover plates finish flush with hall levels.

There is no need for elaborate delivery and collection procedures and any related storage capacities for this system at all. Only 2 persons are required to construct the whole system.

Schematic representation - Airstage system construction
Schematic representation - Airstage system construction
Airstage system height adjustment
Airstage system height adjustment
Airstage system in lowered state
Airstage system in lowered state
Covering cap - Adjustment mechanism
Covering cap - Adjustment mechanism
Handle for adjustment mechanism
Handle for adjustment mechanism

The locking system is unlocked by taking off the covering caps and inserting the two handles.
The height adjustment mechanism is unlocked centrally using one of the inserted handles.
The platform is raised to the required height and is locked by simply turning   the handle once again.
A safety catch device ensures that the platform automatically latches and locks at the next lower height setting in case the platform's adjustment mechanism is involuntarily released. Removal of handles and installation of the covering caps.
To lower the platform, perform the above procedure in reverse order.

It only takes 2 persons to construct and dismantle the system, and to set it to the required height takes just 30 seconds.

The outstanding feature of this stationary system is the short time required to construct and dismantle it with minimum staff required. The effort required is also minimal and protects the health of your staff.

Suitable for quick and easy alterations to hall floors in any multifunctional function rooms.

Because of the small installation height of a mere 180-200 mms, these stationary systems can also be installed where the pit depth would generally prove insufficient for a  concealable system – and all this at an unrivalled price/benefit ratio.

Installation on a sub-structure suitable for levelling
Installation on a sub-structure suitable for levelling
Side view
Side view
Staircase with stage panels
Staircase with stage panels

Fitted with optional floor coverings, matching the hall floor covering, this system fulfils all requirements with regard to a visually appealing and functional room design
(For more see Surfaces)


A large selection of accessories complements your mobile stage in a functional and safety-related manner

Stairs,  ramps, railings, transport and storage systems for accessories, stage panels  (More under  Accessories)

on these products

Stepped structures/Raised seating
Stepped structures/Raised seating
Choir stages
Choir stages
Stage units
Stage units
Stepped structures with access staircase
Stepped structures with access staircase
Individual stepped structures and configurations
Individual stepped structures and configurations

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