Mobile dance floors

Parquet dance floor board with edge profile
Technical Data


0.95 x 0.95 m – parquet version

1.25 x 1.00 m – laminate version

Plate thickness:

26 mms – wear layer: 9 mms

Wear layer:

9 mms  solid oak parquet  or laminate


ca. 18 kgs – parquet version

ca. 26 kgs – laminate version


oak-effect (other colours on request)


weather-proof screen-print cover, stainless steel


transport trolleys

Mobile dance floor
Mobile dance floor
Edging either silver or gold
Edging either silver or gold

Mobile Dance floor boards transform any hall floor into a professional dance floor or can temporarily or permanently change a function room’s ambience.

Our patented system protects delicate hall floors and makes it easily possible to use them for dance events.

Available in 2 designs as standard either as

  • Parquet dance floor boards
    0.95 x 0.95 m or
  • Laminate dance floor boards
    1.25 x 1.0 m

The boards are placed in rows and   firmly fixed together using our patented locking system both vertically and horizontally. 

Circumferential aluminium friezes (optionally either silver or gold design) protect the boards’ edges and with their chamfered shape prevent people stumbling over the dance floor edge.
(For more see Assembly instructions)

Locking system - Dance floor boards

Tongue and groove construction
Tongue and groove construction
Locking hammer, open
Locking hammer, open
Locking hammer, closed
Locking hammer, closed
Unlocking locking hammer
Unlocking locking hammer

Transport trolleys for mobile dance floors

Transport trolleys - Dance floor boards with accessory compartment and Vulkollan castors
Transport trolleys - Dance floor boards with accessory compartment and Vulkollan castors
Edging profiles silver or gold
Edging profiles silver or gold
Technical Data


1200 x 1000 mms  – Dance floor boards Parquet

1450 x 1000 mms  – Dance floor boards laminate


30 boards – parquet or laminate

Equipped with:

polyamide castors – standard floors

Vulkollan (PU) castors – delicate floors

Installation examples   Downloads


More details


Similar items: Trenomat exhibition floor ALU PLANO

Dance floor board, parquet - oak
Dance floor board, parquet - oak
Dance floor board, parquet – dark oak
Dance floor board, parquet – dark oak
Dance floor board, laminate
Dance floor board, laminate
Dance floor board, screen-print, weather-proof
Dance floor board, screen-print, weather-proof
Dance floor board, stainless steel
Dance floor board, stainless steel

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