Stage platforms are the perfect solution for the mobile or stationary construction of stepped structures, raised seating, choir stages or rostrums.
By employing levels at different heights, achieved using either fixed snap-in legs of different heights, height-adjustable snap-in legs (telescopic legs) or height-adjustable stage platforms with scissor systems, we can always ensure that there is the required unobstructed view onto your stage and event. The audience will certainly appreciate this!
(For more see Platform types)
Flexible and perfectly fitted choir and concert platforms, custom-made for the conditions and needs of your premises, ensure the correct positioning of singers and musicians.
Music is then a pleasure to watch!
(For more see Choir stages)
Raised seating and Rostrums
Equipped with suitable seating, either with free stacking chairs with and without tables, or as seat cross braces with seat shells or benches, every stepped structure turns into a full spectator rostrum, standing its ground even during large events and still fulfilling all safety regulations applicable.
(For more see Seat rostrums)
All components of our systems can be combined with each other and are compatible with just about any other third party products. Across the decades, a consistently high level of quality, excellent durability and an extensive range of accessories, extensions and replacement parts will gradually enable you to realise ever new structure variations. Our portal system is our “small solution“, is either self-supporting or stationary in construction and comes equipped with a main curtain with curtain pull system, suitable lateral protrusions and a flyer.
(For more see Stage unit – Portal system)
Our stage unit turns any mobile stage into a proper theatre stage complete with main curtain including a curtain pull system, lateral protrusions, adjustable lateral aisles, background curtains and sub-supports to take lighting system and backdrops.
(For more see Stage unit)
The textile furnishings consist of curtains, flyers and stage panels available in a large variety of different fabrics and colour. You can create your very own individual stage in accordance with your ideas and requirements.
(For more see Textile furnishings)
on these products
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